2025 - The 8th MELBOURNE Pacific Piano Open Competition (Online)

2025- 第八屆墨爾本亞太區鋼琴公開賽


Accepting Applications now!!

Early birds will receive an AUD $10 discount on each class if registered on or before April 1, 2025.


早鳥優惠參賽者在2025年4月1日或之前報名可以享有澳元 10 的折扣

Important dates :

Closing date for application and video recording upload: 2025, May 25

Results: Released on our Facebook Page and EAST WEST ARTS ASSOCIATION website on June 1, 2025.

  • The Prize Winner’s concert will be held in Melbourne (Australia) on 10 August 2025

  • The top 3 winners in Mozart Piano Concerto classes will be invited to perform with Melbourne Arts Orchestra (live performance)



比賽結果公佈曰期 :2025年06月01日在 East West Arts Association 網站和 Facebook 官方專頁

  • 優勝者音樂會將於2025年8月10日在澳洲墨爾本舉行。 

  •  莫札特鋼琴協奏曲組的前3名獲獎者, 將受邀請在澳洲墨爾本與 Melbourne Arts Orchestra 一起演出(現場表演)

Competition CatEGORIES ( 1 - 9 )

比賽類別 ( 1 - 9 )

Mozart Piano Concerto Competition Class :

Junior Class - 13 years and under (born after 2012 May 25) @ AUD $330

Senior Class - 18 years and under (born after 2007, May 25) @ AUD $330

The top 3 winners in each class will be invited to perform with Orchestra (live performance) on August 10, 2025 in Melbourne, Australia.  If any of the top 3 winners in each class are unable to perform, then the next highest scoring performer will be invited. Contestants must submit a video recording performance (from memory) of one movement only, with piano accompaniment, or solo performance of the chosen concerto from the following repertoire list:

Mozart - Piano Concerto No. 23 in A , K 488 (1st Movement - Allegro)

Mozart - Piano Concerto No. 23 in A, K 488 ( 2nd Movement - Adagio)

Mozart - Piano Concerto No. 23 in A, K 488 (3rd Movement - Allegro Assai)

*** There is an additional cost of AUD $1800 to perform with Orchestra. Please see the details in the Prize Winner’s Concerts information ***

 莫札特鋼琴協奏曲組 :

初级組 - 13歲或以下 2012年05月25日後出生 @ AUD $330

高級組 - 18歲或以下 2007年05月25日後出生 @ AUD $330

每個組別的前3名獲獎者, 將受邀請於2025年08月10日在澳洲墨爾本與交響樂團一起演出(現場表演)。 如組別的前 3 名優勝者中的任何一個無法表演,則將邀請得分第二高的優勝者出席。參賽者必須提交一段樂章的(背譜)視頻記錄,並伴有鋼琴伴奏,或獨奏。請在以下曲目列表中選擇其中一段協奏曲樂章。

莫札特鋼琴協奏曲 A 大調 No. 23 K488 (第 一 段樂章)

莫札特鋼琴協奏曲 A 大調 No. 23 K488 (第 二 段樂章)

莫札特鋼琴協奏曲 A 大調 No. 23 K488 (第 三 段樂章)

 *** 與管弦樂隊一起演出需要支付額外 (澳元1800)費用,詳情請參閱 “優勝者音樂會” 需知 ***

NeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeW !!!

Pop music :

Each contestant can perform any type of pop music, such as Disneyland songs, Japanese animation songs, and more. This category encourages a wide range of expressions and styles, allowing participants to showcase their versatility and creativity.

Free Choice,  no age limit, one piece ( within 4 min ) – AUD $100

流行音樂組別 :


自選任何一首樂曲,不設年齡限制(一首樂曲,4分鐘內)- 澳元 $100

Free Choice :

5 years and under, born after 25.05.2019, one piece (within 3 minutes)

AUD $100

6 years and under, born after 25.05.2018, one piece (within 4 minutes)

AUD $ 110

8 years and under, born after 25.05.2016, one piece (within 5 minutes)

AUD$ 110

10 years and under, born after 25.05.2014, one piece (within 6 minutes)

AUD $120


12 years and under, born after 25.05.2012, one piece (within 7 minutes)

AUD $140

14 years and under, born after 25.05.2010, one piece (within 8 minutes)

AUD $160


16 years and under, born after 25.05.2008, one piece (within 9 minutes)

AUD $180

18 years and under, born after 25.05.2006, one piece (within 10 minutes)

AUD $200


自由選曲組 :


澳元 $100


澳元 $ 110


8歲或以下2016年 5月25曰後出生,自選一首曲目,(5分鐘之內)

澳元$ 120



澳元 $120


12歲或以下2012年 5月25曰後出生,自選一首曲目,(7分鐘之內)

澳元 $140





16歲或以下2008年 5月25曰後出生,自選一首曲目,(9分鐘之內)

澳元 $180


18歲或以下2006年 5月25曰後出生,自選一首曲目,(10分鐘之內)

澳元 $200

Piano Duet :

Piano Duet. One Piece (within 10 minutes) - AUD $200

四手聯彈 :

四手聯彈,自選一首曲目,(10分鐘之內 ) - 澳元$200

Sonatina :

Sonatina, One Movement (within 6 minutes) - AUD $150

小奏鳴曲 :

小奏鳴曲,自選一段樂章,(6分鐘之內 ) - 澳元 $150

Sonata :

Sonata, One Movement (within 10 minutes) - AUD$200

奏鳴曲 :

奏鳴曲,自選一段樂章,(10分鐘之內) - 澳元 $200

Piano Examination Repertoire :

Only 1 piece chosen by the contestants from the ANZCA Music Exam Board /AMEB /ABRSM/ TRINITY/ CCM (2023 & 2024, 2025 & 2026)


Initial Grade – AUD$100

Grade 1 - AUD $110

Grade 2 - AUD $110

Grade 3 - AUD $120

Grade 4 - AUD $120

Grade 5 - AUD $130

Grade 6 - AUD$ 130

Grade 7 - AUD $150

Grade 8 - AUD $160

Diploma – AUD $280

Diploma ARSM, DipABRSM, LRSM, FRSM, ATCL, LTCL, AmusA, LMusA (within 12 minutes – performance from memory required)


鋼琴考試组 :

任何一首考試曲目 : AMEB/ ANZCA Music Exam Board英國皇家音樂學院 / 聖三一音樂學院 (2023 -2026 )

 初級考試組 澳元 $100

一級考試組   澳元 $110

二級考試組   澳元 $110

三級考試組  澳元$120

四級考試組   澳元 $120

五級考試組   澳元 $130

六級考試組   澳元$ 130

七級考試組   澳元 $150

八級考試組   澳元 $160

文憑級考試組 (12分鐘之內 - 背譜) – 澳元 280


Open Class :

Open Class 32 years and under, born after 25 .5.1992, one Piece (within 12 minutes – performance from memory required) - AUD $ 320

公開組 :

公開組 32歲或以下1992年5月25曰後出生,自選一首曲目,(12分鐘之內 - 背譜) - 澳元 $320


Open Class for Teachers, free choice, no age limit, one piece (within 10 minutes – performance from memory required) - AUD $320

精英老師組 :

精英老師組,自選任何一首樂曲,不設年齡限制。 (10分鍾之內 - 背譜) - 澳元 $320

Kindergarten :

*** Each contestant will receive a Trophy for participation in this class ***

Free choice, one piece (within 2 minutes ) - AUD $130

幼稚園組 :

*** 凡參加幼稚園演奏組的參賽者,均頒發獎盃乙個,以作鼓勵。***

自選任何一首樂曲 (2分鍾之內) - 澳元 $130

Special Needs :

This category aims to provide a platform for participants to showcase their talent and love for music, regardless of their unique needs or abilities. Each contestant will receive a Trophy and Digital Certificate and Digital Comment sheet for participation in the Special Needs Class.  

Free choice, no age limit, one Piece (within 6 minutes) - AUD $150

— Please submit the reference letter or special needs ID

星星特殊組 :


自選任何一首樂曲,不設年齡限制。 (6分鍾之內) - 澳元 $150

—  請遞交醫生証明信件或特殊咭。

Chinese Music :

Dr. Wanghua Chu

Intermediate section -Fisher boy of the South Sea

Advance section - Love Song (Sichuan)

no age limit, one Piece – AUD $100

中國音樂組別 :

儲望華博士作品 –

中級組別 :[南海漁童]

高級組別 :[情歌(四川)]

自選任何一首樂曲,不設年齡限制。 - 澳元 $100